• RPG Limit Break 2024

    Another year, another iteration of RPG Limit Break has come and gone. As usual it’s time to share my recollection of events though I won’t necessarily be doing quite the day by day account I did last year. Overall it was a pretty great event though I can’t deny there was a small air of…

  • RPG Limit Break 2023: Reminiscence in the Desert

    As I begin to write this post July has come and gone and with it RPG Limit Break 2023. Most of the time I usually don’t really write about my experiences though that’s usually more out of forgetfulness and laziness than anything. Even now I’m not sure how long this will take me to type…

  • Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance

    Spoiler Notice: This one is going to be technically spoilers off. I say technically just because there’s not a whole lot to really spoil here but you’ve been given fair warning. One day Juste Belmont, descendant of Simon Belmont, finds his old friend, Maxim, returned from a training expedition. Maxim, wounded and suffering from memory…

  • A Whole New Blog Part Deux

    All right, so this is the part where I attempt to write something actually substantial here. Once again I’m going to try and keep some sort of blog going mostly because I need to use this webspace for something and it’s a better avenue for getting my thoughts out on things as opposed to Twitter…

  • A Whole New Blog

    These things happen sometimes.