A Whole New Blog Part Deux

All right, so this is the part where I attempt to write something actually substantial here. Once again I’m going to try and keep some sort of blog going mostly because I need to use this webspace for something and it’s a better avenue for getting my thoughts out on things as opposed to Twitter with its character restrictions.

That being said actually updating this is probably going to be irregular. For the most part I intend to only really use this for my thoughts/reviews on media stuff. I say thoughts first because while the stuff I write will technically be reviews I tend to focus more on the narrative than anything else so calling these word vomits “reviews” doesn’t seem right. It may also be easier on me as trying to write publication review style in the past has never worked out for me.

Now with that out of the way my first order of business is hopefully to do a write-up for Yakuza 6 since I’ve completed that recently. We’ll see what happens in any case!



